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Daniel Sturley Construction & regeneration
15 Mar 2022 - Daniel Sturley
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Refurbishment of The Gothic as part of wider regeneration of Great Hampton Street

In glorious Birmingham sunshine, we give you the magnificent architectural gem that is The Gothic, both a masterpiece and masterclass in historical regeneration located on Great Hampton Street in the Jewellery Quarter. Having had its exterior scaffolding removed, this refurbishment project is rapidly nearing completion.

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Refurbishment of The Gothic as part of wider regeneration of Great Hampton Street

In glorious Birmingham sunshine, we give you the magnificent architectural gem that is The Gothic, both a masterpiece and masterclass in historical regeneration located on Great Hampton Street in the Jewellery Quarter. Having had its exterior scaffolding removed, this refurbishment project is rapidly nearing completion.

All photography taken on 14th March 2022:

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Photography by Daniel Sturley.


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All artist's impressions are the property of Cordia Blackswan.

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Your Place Your Space Construction & regeneration
19 Nov 2021 - Your Place Your Space

Great night had by all at Cordia Blackswan's Fundraising party!

Even though their CEO Marcus was unwell and could not be there, Jess, Brigi and the wonderful team of Cordia Blackswan laid on a great party and fundraiser at their new Birmingham HQ.  

The old Lloyds Bank on Great Hampton Street was a fitting location for the 'spooky' theme with everyone getting into the spirit of things, literally!

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Great night had by all at Cordia Blackswan's Fundraising party!

Even though their CEO Marcus was unwell and could not be there, Jess, Brigi and the wonderful team of Cordia Blackswan laid on a great party and fundraiser at their new Birmingham HQ.  

The old Lloyds Bank on Great Hampton Street was a fitting location for the 'spooky' theme with everyone getting into the spirit of things, literally!

See any familiar faces from Birmingham's property and business community?

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Phorography courtesy Daniel Sturley.

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Stephen Giles Construction & regeneration
04 Nov 2021 - Stephen Giles
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The Lamp Works: Demolition Progressing

A series of rundown buildings are currently being demolished on the site of The Lampworks, in the Jewellery Quarter.

The Cordia Blackswan development will soon be reborn with 129 new homes.

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The Lamp Works: Demolition Progressing

A series of rundown buildings are currently being demolished on the site of The Lampworks, in the Jewellery Quarter.

The Cordia Blackswan development will soon be reborn with 129 new homes.

TWITTER: Buildsweare
INSTAGRAM: Itsyourbirmingham

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As you can see, a series of rundown industrial & commercial builds on Great Hampton Street and Barr Street are currently being demolished, with the Cordia Blackswan site set to be reborn in the coming months ahead.

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129 new homes will be created here, by way of retention and conversion of buildings saved from demolition, and the erection of new four & five-storey new builds - in a mixture of one, two, three beds & duplexes.

A ground floor commercial unit, and an inner courtyard, will also be provided.

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Demolition images by Stephen Giles. Renderings are the property of BPN Architects.

TWITTER: Buildsweare
INSTAGRAM: Itsyourbirmingham

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Stephen Giles Construction & regeneration
04 Nov 2021 - Stephen Giles
News & Updates

JQ PROJECTS: The Lamp Works

The Lamp Works, located on Great Hampton Street, has moved to the next stage of development with the formal signing of a Section 106 agreement – paving the way for the redevelopment of a rundown site.

For all renderings and a thorough lowdown on the scheme from Stephen, click 'View full post'.

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JQ PROJECTS: The Lamp Works

The Lamp Works, located on Great Hampton Street, has moved to the next stage of development with the formal signing of a Section 106 agreement – paving the way for the redevelopment of a rundown site.

For all renderings and a thorough lowdown on the scheme from Stephen, click 'View full post'.

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Blackswan Property (*Blackswan Developments (Barr Street) Ltd*) are bringing forward plans to construct 129 apartments within Birmingham's famous Jewellery Quarter, after a section 106 agreement was formally agreed this week (September 2020).

Six months on from gaining planning approval, The Lamp Works, bound by Great Hampton Street and Barr Street, will see the retention, conversion and partial demolition of existing, rundown buildings, and the erection of four/five storey new builds.

The development, designed by BPN Architects, will create a total of 129 one, two and three bed apartments, a ground floor commercial unit and inner courtyard; alongside car and cycle spaces.

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A total floorspace of 11,852 sqm will be created, with 1,587 sqm primarily for commercial uses.

The residential element will deliver a total of 64 one, 54 two, and 11 three bed apartments – mainly available for rent.

To break this down even further: 14 one bed/one person apartments; 40 one bed/two person; 51 two bed/three person; 13 duplexes (10 one bed/two person & 3 two bed/four person); and 11 three bed/6 person apartments, will be provided.

13 of these (8 one & 5 two beds) will be available for low cost market rent; thereby adding to the accommodation mix.

20 vehicular spaces (15% provision) will serve the development, with an entrance onto Barr Street accommodating a small car park. 5 secure cycle stores providing up to 132 cycle spaces will also be incorporated.


A series of rundown industrial builds on Great Hampton Street and Barr Street will be demolished, despite protestations from Jewellery Quarter Development Trust (JQDT), and Historic England.

Concerns were duly raised from both, believing demolition would cause significant harm to the fabric of Barr Street, and that the replacement builds were also too overbearing.

They did concede, however, that the Great Hampton Street building demolitions were justified.

In the end, Lamp Works required a careful balancing of the objections to the development against the huge public benefits of allowing the demolition and erection of these replacement builds.

** The site now has a clear route for the regeneration of what is essentially a rundown area, with the introduction of viable new uses, the restoration of historic buildings, the inclusion of courtyards and the construction of high-quality new buildings, in an area badly needing investment.


As outlined below, every building except 30-33 Great Hampton Street - occupied by Blue Nile restaurant - will be consigned to the history books.

These include the 2-3 storey buildings facing onto Great Hampton Street, home to Xtreme Mobiles, Vapour Devil and Mobile Base.

dndimg alt="" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Untitled(6).png" />Great Hampton Street: Google Street View

On Barr Street, a line of six 2-3 storey buildings, currently vacant or being used as ad hoc storage will also be demolished.

In the centre of the site, the development team wish to retain a 3-storey skeletal steel frame from one of the buildings to act as the focus for a new courtyard space.

dndimg alt="" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/Barr%20Street%20Demolition.png" />Barr Street: Google Street View


Blue Nile restaurant at 30 Great Hampton Street, is to be retained and refurbished, with first and second floors converted to provide 2 one bed & 2 two bedroom apartments.

New traditional shop fronts will be installed with new windows, brickwork and roofs fully restored.

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The adjoining building at 33 Great Hampton Street is also set to be converted into a unit (usage yet to be decided) of 355 sqm on the ground floor, and one of 324 sqm on the first floor.


Five new builds of between 4 and 5 storeys will be constructed across the site.

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Building A will see a four and five storey structure with a small single storey wing to the rear. It will provide 17 apartments, a ground floor commercial unit & a new internal courtyard.

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Directly behind Building A will be three buildings of 4-storeys: B (27 units), C (20 units) and E (2 units).

Each build will be arranged around a central courtyard space which will accommodate the retained open steel frame, as seen below.

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Building D (70 apartments) is to be 5 storeys tall and will front out onto Barr Street and the North West side of the courtyard area; it will also accommodate vehicular access into the site.

Buildings B-E will also provide apartment space.

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Words by Stephen Giles. Artists Impressions from BPN Architects & Blackswan Property.

TWITTER: Buildsweare
INSTAGRAM: Itsyourbirmingham

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Karl Newton Construction & regeneration
01 Oct 2021 - Karl Newton

Fascinating tour round 'The Gothic' and Great Hampton Street Project with Blackswan

We were delighted to be shown round 'The Gothic' and the Blackswan scheme at 1-4 Great Hampton Street. Fascinating plans for this site involve retaining so much of the wonderful history and architecture of 'The Gothic' for people to enjoy in the future! Thanks to the amazing team at BlackSwan for the opportunity to experience this project so early.

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Fascinating tour round 'The Gothic' and Great Hampton Street Project with Blackswan

We were delighted to be shown round 'The Gothic' and the Blackswan scheme at 1-4 Great Hampton Street. Fascinating plans for this site involve retaining so much of the wonderful history and architecture of 'The Gothic' for people to enjoy in the future! Thanks to the amazing team at BlackSwan for the opportunity to experience this project so early.

On Wednesday 29th May we made a visit to the site of the former Gothic pub on Great Hampton Street in the St Pauls/Jewellery Quarter area of the city.

The Gothic is one part of a whole development stretching over 3/4 ajoining buildings on Great Hampton Street.

The plans for the site will include a hi-end restaurant, quality rooms and apartments as well as 2 social venues with courtyards to the rear.

We will run a separate post with further details of the amazing plans by BlackSwan.

Below are a selection of images showing some of the orignal art deco features inside the property, something we were ensured would be retained by the new development which in huge part is aiming to simply strip the sites back to their orignal features architecture wise and highlight them moving forward.

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All photos by Karl Newton

Much more to come as we follow this exciting project through to completion.


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